All I can say is, if I was really able to encapsulate just how amazing we find our wedding photos it would be this;
Exactly. I am speechless. And that is an understatement.
When we returned home we looked through the photos (twice!) and we couldn’t wipe the smiles off our faces. We are both so so pleased. I couldn’t tell you just how many times we’ve been through them since, a little embarrassing how we’re fussing over them (we’ve not even looked at our honeymoon pics!), but they are just oh so amazing. And what is really special is that they really accurately capture the feeling, the vibe, the mood, the moments of our wedding.
I’ve shown a few girls in the office and no-one can believe just how amazing they are – everyone comments on how incredible they are and how talented the photographer must be – so indeed, trained by the best :-)
Thank you again for these amazing photographs of our most special of days – really, I cant thank you enough!! Nor use enough exclamation marks or gushing extra words.
Cathy & Eelco